Wednesday, July 4, 2012

the busy holiday

Yesterday and today it was so busy it was fun.Because on tuesday we went to kelly tarton's I like seeing  the huge sting ray and the turtle along with the game sextion were you have a shark play ground. And today we went to butterfly creek along with mc doanlds the game place at the movies but the butter fly creek was the best because we got to see crocadiles it was funny but the funnyest thing was when three times butterflies went on my nose now that was the best holiday ever 


  1. Hey rishika i bet you do not no whos talking but that trip sounds very fun plus you finally made a voki ps by your best friend mackenzie

    1. who are you mackenzie didn't make it with me I did it myself it was easy.

    2. SO its you mackenzie have you got a voki on your blog i will cheak out your blog.
