Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rippa rugby

The vardon school seniors  have been doing  Rippa rugby  with a coach that does Rippa  rugby  he talt us all we need to know about Rippa rugby like :  chatch and parce , learning the rules and lots more.


On Monday I presented my speech to Room 15.  My  result was 84.  This years speech result was better than last years  because I got a better result.  I have achieved a lot so I'm more confident  than ever.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013


On Friday Ashlynne Ashlee and me did some researh  on Diwali   Ashlynne was doing history Ashlee did food I did patterns  we put  our facts on a glogster with colourful  backgrounds ang crazy texts  we enjoyed making our rangoli  for our presentation what we found challenging was writing about what we are going to say about  our glogster and doing it with only  two people in our groupbut we got through it .

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

cross country

On friday we had cross country but I was only walking because I had a sling on. It took a long time to get to the finesh line because it was a big field. I had to go up hills, go down hills trying to not step in mud puddles.The thing I found difficult was walking up the steep hills.