Thursday, November 22, 2012

How To make ice-cream

to make Delicious ice cream

materials cocoa or vanilla essence

milk & sugar

 two plastic bags one large & one small bag




two ice trays


1.put one cup of milk in the small bag  and half a cup of sugar in the small bag too.

2.put one teaspoon of cocoa or vanilla essence in the small bag.

3.put two trays of ice in the big bag and 6 table spoons of salt in the big bag too.

4. put the small bag in the big bag and shake it for 7 minutes

5. after 7 minutes take the small bag out of the big bag and now your ice cream is ready.

outcome so now your ice cream is ready you can enjoy

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dairy farm facts

1. Cows have one stomach and 4 parts  in the cows stomach.

2. Cows can turn grass into milk.

3. If you scare a cow it will do droppings on you.

4. Cows love it when they make milk because they feel relaxed and more comfortable.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to make a grass head

goal.To make funny grass heads

  grass seeds

potting mix

yoghurt cup


googly eyes



colured paper
thin stocking
rubber band
1. cut your stocking up to 20cm.

2.put two teaspoons of grass seeds in to end of stocking

3.Put potting mix in the stocking. Do it  with the cup. Make sure its the  shape of a tennis ball.

4.decorate  your grass head face.

5.put half a way of water in the yoghurt cup if the water has dried up  refill it.

outcome. Have fun  making your grass heads