Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Term 2 Reflection

Things I enjoyed
Novel project, art, fashion show,
genius hour project, I.C.T, Reading, Sumdog

Things I've found hard
Maths-Addition and subtraction

New learning

Hip hop
Miss workman teacher aids

Goals for term 3
Learn  addition and subtraction

finesh my work on time

thing that we done


novel project

matariki newpaper

trip tych


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The rusty gate

Once there was a rusty gate creek and behind that gate there was a garden a beautiful  garden  but  another garden took place 
Everyone respect the garden so much they forgot about the garden and rusty gate except
For one person sunny she felt sad for the gate and   garden so she upgraded  the garden and cleaned the gate and painted  it purple soon 10  birds came then 2 deers next 7 bunnys then the whole town but what about water in the pond for fish  and now the rusty gate is happy  so is sunny and everyone is happy now.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Trashion show reflection

In this whole term we were buddied up with Room 10 to make our waste to wow costume.  Our costume was inspired by a circus tent we learnt a lot of designing skills the most challenging for  my group and me was putting the foam on the dress. We modified our hat to make it stronger. While we were learning, one of our goals was keeping the flag still while hot gluing it together. I was the spokesman Shai-anne was the model and Jordiss, Ashlee and Maggie and Ocean were the performers we had a great experience making our costume cirtenta.